rade upgrade

We'll abbreviate comrade as rade.

rade upgrade keeps rade itself up to date. When you execute this, rade rebuilds itself and is reborn as a new rade. Let's take a look at what happens during the upgrade process.

Let's assume you've entered rade upgrade. Then, rade goes to check what its latest version is. If the latest version of rade is the same as the current version, rade does nothing and displays to the user, "rade is already up to date". What if the latest version of rade is higher than the current version? In that case, rade upgrades itself. Let's look at the upgrade process.

First, if a build directory exists, rade deletes it. Once the build directory is deleted or if it didn't exist, rade clones itself into the build directory. Next, rade updates the packagelist. This is to keep rade completely up to date during the upgrade. After the package list update is complete, rade uses make to build itself. This ensures that rade can work in any environment. When make finishes and everything completes normally, the upgrade is successfully finished. This is how rade achieves its upgrade.

This concludes this chapter. Next is the explanation of rade install.